Saturday, 5 January 2013

January 2013, time to catch up

After our first few weeks in Biella, I headed off to Paris and Istanbul for a great week with mum. When I got back we were into the swing of buying a car (a pretty stressful venture in another language with the wrong documentation at every turn), making friends at school and trying to help the boys integrate with their new environments when they didn't speak a word of Italian. With all that behind us, I made the commitment to Charlie that I was going to knit him a woolen blanket. Didn't matter that I didn't know how to knit, youtube was going to help get me there...2 weeks before Christmas I had completed my first patchwork blanket! I then decided I was going to knit one for Sam too to be fair. After using every spare minute that the kids weren't around since October knitting, a decent case of RSI later (thanks Shane for the treatment), on Christmas Eve with the help of my lovely friend Simone DF I had completed both blankets and sewed up all the ugly loose strands. The only problem with this was that I haven't updated this blog in 4 months and so much has happened!!!

I'm not one for new years resolutions, but I figure that the start of 2013 is as good a time as any to play a bit of catch up with the old blog, but my posts will be pretty light on for words for a little while, which could be a good thing!

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