Fastforward a few years and here we are on the 6 month anniversary of our time in Biella and I am proud to say I have officially lowered my standards. Renting a house that was furnished, it didn't really occur to me that we would need to stock the house with things like a vacuum cleaner, so I've been getting reacquainted with the old broom and mop duo. Every time I sweep the floors (it has become more frequent lately, need to stop that), I think of my nonna who is the world's best sweeper. It's a nice tradition that I'm carrying on, and sweeping is a really nice way to be in the moment. Don't get me wrong, I still covet the vacuum cleaner robot, but I feel like I've made some progress this year with my cleanliness hangup and that's got to be a good thing.
I will say this though, when we were living the IDEA of living away from Melbourne, I wasn't really thinking about any of the mundane things I would need to do. Everything was idealized, cooking, washing, making beds, all had a glossy sheen and I imagined myself taking pleasure in these daily tasks, hanging pillows in the sun on the washing line in a stylized version of our apartment, with direct sunlight on the washing line all day, everything white, glowing, beautiful. I can tell anyone who is reading this that making the bed and cleaning the toilet is just the same over here as it is in Australia, and going to the post office is 10 x worse. It's been a good lesson for me. You can't escape mundane tasks just by changing location...your own perception of how much time you have is the difference between doing the dishes with a frown and doing the dishes with a smile (alright, maybe not a total smile!)
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