Having grown up in Perth and Brisbane in the 80s and 90s, I'm a bit partial to a tan, however after living in Melbourne for the past 15+ years, being of fair complexion myself and having a ginger son, lying in the sun on purpose doesn't really seem like the right thing to do.

I've typically embraced my paleness, opting for a rashy top during summer (a must have fashion item for all mums if they want their kids to wear one without arguments), happy to cover up and wear hats during summer and always wearing 30+ sunscreen.
If you have read Yellowtrace recently, you might know about Humanæ, concieved by Brazilian artist Angelica Dass, a chromatic inventory of human skin referencing the PANTONE® colors....if I was a pantone color, I might be Pantone 99-8C...not a lot of tanning potential there really.
Drop me in Italy, however, where all sun products contain keratin to make you look browner, where a tan can take 5kgs off a person and tans are a legitimate conversation topic, and I have to admit that this fair
skinned aussie is wavering just a little...I hate to say it but I have gone for runs without any sunscreen (Except on my face) and have even spent 10 minutes lying in the sun by the pool.
Needless to say, no matter how hard I try, a Pantone 99-8C will never look like this......sigh....
A couple of Morry’s relos were as brown as Bridget Bardot. They spend everyday of their summer holidays at the beach – all day. They justified it saying “but soon it will be winter and we have to cover up”.
ReplyDeleteThey’d never seen the rash vests the kids wore and asked my why on earth i'd wear a one piece (I would have thought that was obvious!)
I hear you Tara, I brought 2 one pieces from Melbourne and downsized to a bikini after one week...I am very adaptable! Although with wine and beer as part of the daily meal, I might need to consider a tankini at a minimum :)
ReplyDeleteThis blog needs a 'like' button. I'm sure you don’t need to worry about the tankini. I bet yr weight has not changed. I eat copious amounts of pasta, bread, cheese and gelato when in Italy and somehow manage to not put on weight. I think it’s all that walking up hills!